
Sunday, November 23, 2014

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

Walking around the halls acting like nothing ever happened the night before. 

That you cried yourself to sleep, didn't eat that entire day, did something you knew you would regret a year or so from now.

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

2a.m. the only time we aren't afraid to express whats deep inside of us. Thinking that's about the only time people are there to listen. 

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

As each day goes on we become one day closer to the day our heart stops beating. 

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

My heart whispers to me, "live as YOU wish, not how OTHERS wish." But as I have realized being myself has only gotten me no where with being found. It has only gotten me lost like a geo cache with only so many people knowing where I am. 

We're all just lost souls, aren't we?

And then sadness hit me like a bullet in the back. I realized that my only friends at 3a.m. were the demons inside my head and the loneliness inside my bed.

In the end we are all lost souls trying to find a way back to something.


  1. Love this whole post.

    I realized that my only friends at 3a.m. were the demons inside my head and the loneliness inside my bed.

  2. In the end we are all lost souls trying to find a way back to something.

    this is great, I love it all
