
Sunday, October 26, 2014

They looked into the eyes of that photograph
and saw right through them to the backdrop 
of marbleized suede every kid had to.

"Why Mr. Dujkei, it's you!"

Next moment, he was gone.
 After that, silence, again.
Where am I?
That doesn't matter.


Sunday, November 17- 

I am alone,
         but i never saw me... NOT like this. 
I smoked another cigar.

I get it from peers or from just thinking
about the possibility of a negative result.

I'm regaining consciousness,
only to figure out that everything has changed.

The key is this: Meet today's problems with today's strength. Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow's strength yet. You simply have enough for today.

fear of the unknown.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest & strongest fear is fear of the unknown."

We all have those fears we don't want anyone to know about.

Sunday, October 12, 2014



Tuning out the world 🎧

(1) Tumblr

"Sheena is a Punk Rocker" Lyrics. 📝

Jake Bugg

how to make me fall in love with you.

  • Tell me what song you listen to by yourself at 2 am.
  • Tell me what that one line from that song is that makes your heart drop into your stomach.
  • Text/Call me when you are thinking about me.
  • Tell me about that one time when you were six that makes you grin uncontrollably.
  • Be silly with me.
  • Let me watch you in a room with nothing but white walls and an acoustic guitar.
  • Tell me what you see right before you fall asleep.
  • Hold my hand in front of your friends.
  • Laugh with me.
  • Know everything i like and dislike.
  • Be respectful.
  • Dance with me.
  • Tell me what is your biggest fear, and not just 'spiders', i mean like falling off a cliff and dying.
  • Tell me your biggest wish.
  • Tell me what is on your mind.
  • Tell me what it would be like to spend a day as you.
  • Hug me when i say 'im okay' and you know im not.
  • Tell me you cant live with out me.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

There, I Still Will Be.

I gave you the sun 

But you wanted the moon.
When I gave you the moon, 
You wanted the stars.
So I reached blindly, 
for the most infinite stars, 
And wrapped myself 
Around each one of them, 
Just for you.
The stars, 
the moon and the sun combined, 
Weren't enough for your fickle heart.
So I took my tears, 
And made you a sea, 
So you can sail the earth 
And find the impossible treasure, 
You constantly seek.
Yet every morning, 
my sun will be there to wake you.
Every night, 
My moon will be there to calm you.
And if you ever need me, 
Look amongst the stars, 
Wrapped in each one of them, 
There, I still will be. 
-Mirtha Michelle

different galaxies

some nights you will feel
like there are a thousand galaxies
exploding in every inch of you
and you are burning too bright
to ever be looked at directly,
and some nights you will feel 
impossibly small, like your 
whole body could slip through 
the spaces between atoms and
never reappear in this world again,
and some nights you will feel
like a paper doll, carefully crafted
and easily blown away, fragile,
too delicate to ever be touched,
and some nights you will feel
like each cell in your body is 
made of the strength that holds
the whole planet together,
and that is okay, because you are 
made of stardust and minuscule
atoms and breakable bones
and the building blocks of 
everything in the universe,
and you are too alive to never
feel anything more than human.